Sleeping Off And On Since 1984

I have a strong background in VR, AR and motion capture systems, and helped develop Canon's Mixed Reality head-mounted display. I spend a lot of my free time working on personal and collaborative projects doing environmental and prop modeling, but also enjoy riding my bicycle when I've been indoors for too long. I've been using computers for as long as I can remember and made the switch to Apple back in 2004. It's made my life a lot simpler, and instead of carrying a sketchpad and portfolio with me I now just use an iPad.

Web development and graphic design are another hobby of mine and I run a convention site called The Con Source, but don't have as much time to update it as I would like. Once I can get some help I'll be able to really make it into a full time thing. As it is right now, it looks like a GeoCities page but I hope to have that fixed in the near future.